Friday, February 29, 2008

BJJ Winter Camp - Day 1

Today was the first of 3 days with Roy Harris covering escapes from side mount. Roy went over quite a bit of information. His goal was to provide a good foundation for escapes and training methods. As always, Roy brought a nice blend of theory, detail and application.

Good Technique

1. Position
  • Where is my body in relationship to my opponent
  • The minor things are what matter most, (where are my hands, legs, head, shoulders, etc....)
  • If my position (or posture) is not there I must work harder on the back end and the remaining parts of my technique will suffer (I will have to compensate w/ strength and speed)

2. Mechanics

  • A series of components to increase leverage
  • This is the technical aspect of a technique

3. Pressure

  • Application of force on anatomy
  • Remember there is a difference between heavy and tight
  • Pressure should be felt as if it's going forward and down at the same time.

1st POSITION - "Thinking Man"

FYI - Roger and I nicknamed these positions to remember them better.

  • You should be on your side and NOT ON YOUR BACK
  • Top leg goes over the bottom w/ the knee bent and slightly up. Bottom leg stays bent in a heel to butt position.
  • Top shoulder should be rounded and pointing downward in a 30 degree angle
  • The elbow of the top arm should be tucked between the top knee. Top hand can grab lapel for additional defense.
  • Bottom hand goes on top of head to have elbow pointed out

This is a very defensive position, almost as if I was turtling from my side. One point Roy made is that the key to escapes is AWARENESS OF PRESSURE. For an opponent to attack or move there must be a release of pressure and shift.

Defense #1 - Opponent pulls on bottom arm

  • When opponent pulls bottom arm to put you on your back, you must roll over on to your other side and finish in the "Thinking Man" on the other side.
  • Key is to throw my top leg violently to create more momentum.
  • Keep top arm tight inside knee to help defend against an opponent getting their hooks in
  • Can go to knees when they attempt this.
  • Key to going to your knees - getting onto your shoulder or elbow.

Defense #2 - Opponent crossfaces

  • Bottom hand should be on top of head
  • "Comb your hair" to divert the hand coming in
  • If they go in side, you must go under their arm

Escape #1 - "Booty Bump"

  • Objective is to push opponent's weight to 1 or 2 o'clock
  • Opponent's weight and pressure should be felt going in the 12 o'clock direction
  • Opponent knee or hips must not be on top
  • Slide knee out and place elbow in arm pit
  • In one motion shrug elbow in arm pit and knee opponent up top knee.
  • Finish by taking the back

Escape #2 - "Log Roll"

  • Available when opponent is tight on you and pinning elbow and knee
  • Weight and pressure should feel as if going to 9 or 3 o'clock, NOT 12 o'clock
  • Bottom hand goes on hip
  • Roll over to other side and push w/ bottom hand to roll them over
  • Hip out to get legs out from under opponent
  • If they base out w/ their arms, put top elbow in armpit and create space. Combination possibility between "Booty Bump" and "Log Roll"

2nd POSITION - "The Heisman"

  • Same as "Thinking Man"
  • Only difference is top hand is no longer tucked, but extended to entangle opponent's arms (biceps), armpit or neck

Keys to "The Heisman"

  • IF opponent's chest is turned into you, you attack the arm trying to secure your head.
  • IF opponent's chest is turned away, you must attack the arm trying to underhook, armpit, the neck or near lapel.

Escape #1 - "Pull the Rug Out"

  • Opponent is turning into you
  • Hand in bicep (bend), thumb down
  • Bottom elbow tucked between body and ground
  • Hip out
  • Push opponent to spot where hips once were.

I don't feel so comfortable with this escape, but should try it anyways.

Roy also provided us w/ information on how

Developing a Skill

  1. Learn something new (knowledge)
  2. Practice - brain to muscles and now you should be thinking less
  3. Memorize - when you memorize you categorize it, organize it and last recall it (not too much thought here)
  4. Feel - now you should not even think about a move, but feel it.
  5. Refine and streamline - here is where one polishes and compresses the move to become more efficient.
  6. Review - go back to details and basics
  7. Adapt it - how do you use it against an untrained individual or trained?
  8. Personalize it - make it your own.

Other Thoughts

  • IF pressure is tight - Bridge
  • IF pressure is loose - Shrimp or hip out
  • Keys to someone holding you down from sidemount - Controlling your 1. head, 2. hips (legs)

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