Wednesday, November 23, 2011

11.23.2011 - Swim Workout (CA IM70.3)

Woke up this morning after last night's bike workout feeling good (thanks to the Somatomax).  I was dreading jumping in the pool because of how "cold" it was outside (a chilly 54 degrees).  It was a bit windy so that added to the chill factor.  The inital jumping in the water is by far the worst part.  By 75 meters into my warm up, I'm feeling great as the water is much warmer than the air temp.

Warm up - 300 meters @ easy pace (SW3)

Drill Set - 8 x 25 meters of mixed form drills w/ 10-second rest periods (SDS3)

Base Intervals - 6 x 100 meters at moderate pace w/ 5 second rest periods (SBI454)

Kick Set - 8 x 25 meters kicking only, w/ 15 second rest periods (SKS3)

Cool Cown - 300 meters @ easy pace (SCD3)

1,600 meters

I think Jack Dawson says it best, in regards to the initial shock of jumping in the water:

"it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body. You can't breathe. You can't think. At least, not about anything but the pain."

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