Monday, March 31, 2008

1st Qtr Progress Report

Well I thought today would be a good day to put together an update on my goals for the year. Looking at them, all I can say is I'm in bad shape and need to pick up the slack.

2008 Competitions

Here's the list of races I plan on competing in this year with my target finish.

  1. Carlsbad Half Marathon - January 20th (1 hr 44 min) - Finished at 1:46:14
  2. La Jolla Half Marathon - April 27th (1 hr 55 min) - I'm backing out of this because Grappler's Quest is the following weekend. Sucks, but I have to.
  3. Camp Pendleton Mud Run - June 8th
  4. San Diego International Triathlon - June 29 (2 hrs 30 min)
  5. America's Finest City Half Marathon - August 17th (beat my 2007 time 1:54:13)

Fitness Goals

  1. Run 625 miles in 2008 (12 miles a week). As of March 31st 89.35 miles. Not good. I should have been around 144 by now.
  2. Maintain my weight between 170 - 175 lbs. So far so good. I've been as low as 167 lbs and as high as 176 lbs.
  3. Get my body fat under 10%. Haven't checked yet. I probably should set a date.
  4. 12,000 push ups in 2008. 1,604 as of March 31st.
  5. 12,000 pull ups in 2008. 1,945 as of March 31st.
  6. 12,000 sit ups in 2008. 769 as of March 31st.
  7. Be able to to pass the RKC snatch test by November. Haven't been practicing, but hopefully I can start it up again in the 2nd quarter.
  8. Stay healthy. Can't really say this has been one that I've been maintaining. I pulled my groin and my elbow I guess it's all about rehabbing.
Not too happy with my 1st quarter progress report. Doesn't look good, but I still have 3/4 of the year left to pick up the slack.

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